PC Appointments are now taking place through June 2022. Please read the information/instructions below. Contact us with any questions.
If a vacancy exists in your precinct after the primary election, you can be appointed to serve as a precinct committeeman until the next primary election. Some precincts are full, but most are not. Appointed PCs vote on some positions in county party leadership as well as possible resolutions and bylaw changes.
Becoming an appointed PC isn’t difficult if there’s a vacancy in your precinct; however, it can be time-consuming and require some persistence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the process.
Step 1
- Find your district and precinct.
- Verify that you’re registered as a Republican at your current home address.
Step 2
Find out whether there’s a vacancy in your precinct. The easiest and most accurate way to find out is by contacting the chairman of your district, but you can get pretty close by downloading the most recent list of precinct committeemen from the County Recorder’s Office.
Step 3
- Download and complete the appointment form.
Step 4
- Contact the chairman of your district to submit your completed appointment form
- Your district chairman signs the appointment form and submits it to the MCR Executive Director.
- The MCR Executive Director verifies your registration, then submits your appointment to the County Chairman and County Recorder’s Office. Submissions are batched and sent monthly.
- On receipt and verification of your information, the County Recorder’s Office submits your appointment to the County Board of Supervisors for approval at their meeting two weeks later.
What happens next?
The entire process can take up to six weeks. You don’t have to wait for notification of your appointment to attend district meetings, volunteer, and get involved in the political process! In most districts, you’ll be included in everything but the voting soon after you’ve submitted your appointment form. You should be notified once you’re appointed, and possibly at other points in the process as well.